Arts in Education Grants
Moving to a New Platform
FY25 Applications
Open September 2024
Eligibility has been expanded to include underserved audiences of any age! Read press release
What can Arts in Education grants funds support?
High-quality arts experiences for Pre-K through 12th grade audiences, or any age underserved population
These are usually Artists in Residence or Visiting Performances within a school, government facility, or community-based nonprofit setting.
Grant funds may also be used for off-site activities, including the following:
In the wake of Covid-19, many teaching artists, performing arts groups, and museums have already created virtual programs suitable for your community's needs!
Contact us to discuss other possibilities
What are the benefits of Arts in Education Grant-funded activities?
What is not eligible for Arts in Education Grant support?
Arts in Education Grants may NOT be used for the following:
Who may apply?
Harford County's nonprofit (1.) schools, (2.) government facilities, and (3.) community-based settings serving youth or other targeted traditionally-underserved population. Eligible grantees include, but not limited to, the following:
How to get started
Hosting organization must complete application.
School principal or executive director will be included on application and all communications.
If necessary, experts can help brainstorm and identify artists to work with your program
Please note:
Want to learn more?
Please contact us to find out more
last update 6/28/2023
What can Arts in Education grants funds support?
High-quality arts experiences for Pre-K through 12th grade audiences, or any age underserved population
These are usually Artists in Residence or Visiting Performances within a school, government facility, or community-based nonprofit setting.
- Artists in Residence: bring a teaching artist on-site to work with community within your setting over a defined period of time
- Visiting Performers: arts performances and/or one-time workshops
- Maryland State Arts Council: Teaching Artist Roster
- Other rosters available. Please note, these may include artists from out-of-state. However, only Maryland artists may be funded with Harford County Cultural Arts Board's Arts in Education Grants.
- Arts for Learning Maryland
- Artivate, Inc.
- Harford County Cultural Arts Board’s Community Arts Development General Operating Grantees
- Grant applications featuring artists not found on rosters above will require resume and references.
Grant funds may also be used for off-site activities, including the following:
- Ticket costs and transportation for visits to arts performances, or art exhibits at museums, in Maryland
In the wake of Covid-19, many teaching artists, performing arts groups, and museums have already created virtual programs suitable for your community's needs!
Contact us to discuss other possibilities
What are the benefits of Arts in Education Grant-funded activities?
- Start conversations
- Teach problem-solving
- Help us understand each other and the world around us
- Create new brain connections - this is how we learn new things
- Expand on concepts in different ways
- Excite and inspire students, staff, and teachers
- Can be integrated into any subject - any theme - any developmental level!
What is not eligible for Arts in Education Grant support?
Arts in Education Grants may NOT be used for the following:
- Programs presented by school (grantee's) staff. However, contractual artists, including recurrently contracted artists providing supplementary programming, are eligible
- Applications submitted by organizations receiving general operating support from Harford County Cultural Arts Board
- Artists-in-residence or visiting performer programs presented by artists who live outside of Maryland
- Ticket costs to museums or performances located outside of Maryland
- Transportation to museums or performances located outside of Maryland
- General art supplies or equipment
Who may apply?
Harford County's nonprofit (1.) schools, (2.) government facilities, and (3.) community-based settings serving youth or other targeted traditionally-underserved population. Eligible grantees include, but not limited to, the following:
- Harford County Public Schools
- Preschools
- Montessori schools
- Charter schools
- Private schools
- Before-school and after-school programs
- Government or nonprofit institutional settings, such as
- Nursing home
- Detention center
- Long-term care facility
- Other nonprofit or government programs serving
- People with disabilities
- People with addictions
- Senior citizens
- People experiencing homelessness
How to get started
- Read complete guidelines document
- Decide which, or what kind of, program you want to bring to your community
- Contact artist or booking agent to determine costs
- Go to Grants Workspace
- Create a profile for your school, government facility, or community-based nonprofit setting.
- Complete and submit application
Hosting organization must complete application.
School principal or executive director will be included on application and all communications.
If necessary, experts can help brainstorm and identify artists to work with your program
Please note:
- Applications accepted on a rolling basis - as long as funds remain.
- Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis
- A signed contract or invoice between applicant (grantee) organization and artist/venue need not be in place before applying. However, it will be required before grant funds are released
- Grantee organization must provide a final report including statistics and a minimum of three photographs.
- Harford County Public Schools are encouraged to coordinate with Roclande' White, Grants Specialist.
- HCPS grant requests of $2000 or more are required to be in coordination with Dr. White and the HCPS Office of Strategic Initiatives.
Want to learn more?
Please contact us to find out more
last update 6/28/2023
The Arts in Education Grant program is in place to enhance arts experiences for youth and other underserved populations in Harford County by utilizing the talents, skills, and creativity of Maryland-based professional teaching artists.
Get inspired watching this video from Young Audiences of Maryland
FY23 Grant Recipients
FY22 Grant Recipients
FY21 Grant Recipients
FY20 Grant Recipients
FY19 Grant Recipients
FY22 Grant Recipients
FY21 Grant Recipients
FY20 Grant Recipients
FY19 Grant Recipients
Arts in Education Grants are also available through Maryland State Arts Council - though they are different -- grants applications are completed by, and awards are to, artists.
Interested in Professional Development for Educators? Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms
Interested in Professional Development for Educators? Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms