A.Arts organizations located in Harford County that have been both incorporated in Maryland as not-for-profit and received tax exempt status from the U. S. Internal Revenue Service may request support for day-to-day operating expenses.
B. Other nonprofits which are both incorporated in Maryland as not-for-profit and designated with tax exempt status from the U. S. Internal Revenue Service may receive support for direct costs of arts programming benefitting the residents and guests of Harford County, Maryland.
C.Units of government, colleges or universities, and religious institutions are also eligible for support for arts programming benefitting the residents and guests of Harford County, Maryland.
D.All programming of organizations must be open to the public and accessible to persons with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Organizations must comply with Title VI, Section 601, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IV, Section 1681, of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Section 6101; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These state no persons, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, sex, age or his or her handicap shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination.
E.Grant-funded activities must occur within the funding period of July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. An activity rescheduled outside funding period is no longer eligible and grant funds will be forfeited.
F.Grants may not be used towards capital projects, major equipment purchases, retirement of existing debt, re-granting funds, scholarships, pro-rated staffing, or travel outside Maryland. Programming may not be a fund-raising activity.
G.Organizations must show valid sources to match grant funds with revenue from sources other than an agency of the state of Maryland; in-kind services or goods do not qualify as matching support. In general, grants must be matched at a minimum of 2:1 for general operating support and 1:1 for direct costs of arts programming.
H. Organizations may submit one Community Arts Development grant application to Harford County Cultural Arts Board per year.
I. Harford County Cultural Arts Board considers applications and awards grant funding on the basis of the following criteria:
a.Artistic merit b.Organizational effectiveness c.Service to the community d. Current and past adherence to grant guidelines e.Size of organization
J.There is a new online grant portal, Grants Workspace, for FY2019 where all applications, reporting, and other grants-related tasks will be completed. An in-person training session is planned for mid-July 2018 and telephone technical assistance is available. Please notify Cultural Arts Board in a timely manner to request accommodations.
K.Grant awards are announced with a mailing that includes a contract (henceforth known as "Agreement"). Agreement is not finalized until signed and witnessed original is returned to Harford County Cultural Arts Board by specified date.
L.At all times, Grant, or any part thereof, is contingent upon the availability of funds from Maryland State Arts Council, an agency of the State of Maryland under the authority of the Department of Commerce, Division of Tourism, Film and the Arts.
M.Failure to comply with any terms of signed Agreement may result in the organization being required to repay grant funds and/or jeopardize any future grant being received by the organization
N. Harford County Cultural Arts Board reserves the right to request financial reports or other documents relating to operations or activities at any time. Organizations receiving grants must maintain complete and accurate records of all activities and operations connected with the grant.
O.An interim report must be filed with the Harford County Cultural Arts Board no later than January 15, 2019. Failure to report may jeopardize any future grant being received by the organization and may result in the organization being required to repay grant funds.
P.A final report must be filed with the Harford County Cultural Arts Board within 30 days of completion of all activities under the grant, but always by August 1, 2019, including copies of event programs and advertising materials. Failure to report may jeopardize any future grant being received by and may result in the organization being required to repay grant funds.
Q. If a significant change is made in any Harford County Cultural Arts Board-funded organization, program, or project, the Board must be notified in writing as soon as possible or no later than August 1, 2019.
R. All arts programs must be submitted to the Cultural Arts Calendar ninety (90) days prior to the event or as soon as dates are scheduled. Contact [email protected] with technical questions. Calendar is online at the following address: http://www.culturalartsboard.org/cultural-arts-calendar.html
S.If tickets are required to attend arts programming, a minimum of four tickets for each event shall be made available to Harford County Cultural Arts Board.
T.Must give credit to Maryland State Arts Council and Harford County Cultural Arts Board whenever and wherever credit is being given – verbally, in print, and/or electronically. Suggested wording: Support for operations of “Best Drama Company” has been provided by Harford County Cultural Arts Board with funds from Maryland State Arts Council. Or This program is supported by Harford County Cultural Arts Board with funds from Maryland State Arts Council a.On printed materials - logos and credit line must appear. b.Online (website, email, online calendars, etc.) - logos and credit line must appear, linking to both websites (MSAC.org and CulturalArtsBoard.org) c.Always check website (CulturalArtsBoard.org) for the most up-to-date best quality logos and additional recommended phrases. http://www.culturalartsboard.org/information-for-fy18-grantees.html